
inventure cermont

inventure cermont

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mock election

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kG-first day

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INVESTITURE CEREMONY – “Leadership Ceremony

Our school proudly celebrated ‘Investiture ceremony’ on 28.06.24. All the elected and selected board members Monitors, Assistant Monitors and Club Leaders were honoured on this proud day. The students marched forward with great responsibility and pledged themselves to be the best leader.
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MOCK ELECTION is held in the campus on 24.06.24. It is conducted every year to elect the school pupil leaders. Students eagerly casted their vote and elected their new representative which made them understand the importance of voting and election at their young age.
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Teacher’s Meditation Session

In connection with “International Yoga Day”, our school organized training session for teachers too to maintain their physical as well as mental health. This practice session enables them to regulate their health.
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Our school has arranged “Story – Telling Workshop” for KG & Pre – Primary teachers on 22.06.24, to enhance the auditory and speaking skills of the emerging buddies. Teachers were given hands -on practice of different vocal sounds which will help the student to understand the perception of story.
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YOGA DAY – “A Healthy Day”

International Yoga Day was observed in our school campus on 21.06.24. Students practiced yoga and meditation and also came to know the importance of doing it regularly to gain concentration.
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KG – The First Stepping Day

The tiny tots of our school stepped into their first level of learning with great enthusiasm. They were welcomed with glee. The first day of their school will be remarked forever in their schooling
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SSLC Result 2024 Ayapakkam

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